Blog Archive

Mar 14, 2011

Still not there

Pickle at White Sands for Klondike Derby, 2011
So, I am obviously still not "there".  Still not keeping up with the keeping up.  But I think there is hope on the horizon.

A brief long story:  My Lyme's disease symptoms seemed to be coming back, so instead of waiting, I went to the dr. when I could fit it into my schedule.  The dr. ordered a panel and titter test, when he went back he announced "Great news!  Your blood work is great-- nothing wrong!"  I thought, that just means you didn't find it.  But he said he wanted to send me to a rheumatologist.  I responded with I would rather go to infectious disease.  He looked at me and said they aren't going to find anything.  I corrected him-- yes, I did.  I told him that the most basic tests only check for white blood count and combined with symptoms, confirm Lyme's disease.  The only problem with that is that the same test can easily miss Lyme's disease because the disease can effectively "hide" in places where your blood can not reach.  There are other, more accurate tests.  He then said that he was still putting a consult in for rheumatology but that he would also send me to infectious disease.  Infectious disease will be done next week.

so I went to the rheumatologist.  He was nice and asked a bazillion questions.  Then I asked mine: what is fibromyalgia? Why did I ask?  I told him that I have a habit of "tenderizing" my quad, hips and buttox with my fists to relieve the ache.  He then had me get back up on the table and proceeded to do another exam, this time hitting "pressure" points of pain.  I said, "Oh!  You want to know where it hurts precisely?  I can pinpoint each spot."  I then hit all the spots with in moments.  He sent me home with tons of literature to read over: rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and more.  He also ordered a HUGE panel of blood to be drawn (8 vials!!) and tons of xrays.

He called back a week later and said I was seriously low on Vit D, so he prescribed 50,000 iu a week.  Then I went back for the follow-up.  I He asked if I had read the literature, I said I had.  He asked if any of it seemed to apply to me.  I answered that the fibromyalgia was dead on.  He smiled and stated that he too felt that it did.  So he proceeded to prescribe for me a common fibromyalgia drug (one without an antidepressant, I was sure to request--because if you aren't depressed, an anti-depressant can have adverse effects).  I was frustrated though, because I am opposed to taking drugs long term.  He said that I should just take it as needed, and that the drug is only about a quarter of the solution: the others being exercise, sleep, and diet (exercise being the most important).  I told him that exercise is a problem because the pain afterward is so severe (not soreness, but deep pain) that I can not exercise again for weeks.  He said the drug may help with that.  (PS Fibromyalgia is caused by Lyme's disease, and I have not arthritis, which does not explain my joint pain.)

So, I decided that I would use the drug for two weeks, solid.  If it helped me to get into the gym, perhaps that would get the ball rolling and I would be able to discontinue use of the drug.  I have to say that the gym trips have been a blessing and that I have been able to get projects started and done, now that I am not bone weary.

John is going in for his second sleep study tonight to be fitted with his CPAP machine.  He is groaning.  He ran out of insulin about a week ago, and his blood sugar numbers never changed for the worse, they even have been better.  I believe there is a factor of dehydration that he experiencing here in the arid climate that may be the culprit along with the sleep apnea.  Maybe even the sleep apnea is aggravated by the arid climate too. We'll see.

It is spring break for Ashleigh so she is my personal slave for the next week, LOL!  She had a falling out with her boss and she quit a couple of weeks ago. I will let you ask her the details.

Nickolas is chomping at the bit to join the boy scout troop James is at.  I am too actually-- I won't have to split my energy between the two schedules any more.

Rough Riders Run end point, 2011
I did get my bike back (finally!  It's only been over 3 months!) and she looks beautiful with her new engine guards and larger windshield.  Because we couldn't replace my saddle bags(they don't make my sort or even comparable for the V-Rod anymore) the money was used to get the engine guards and windshield upgrade, and there was enough left over for the deductible to fit in.  So no money out of our pockets!  I am glad to have her back as the riding season is really kicking off here.  It is true you can ride all year round, but as the weather warms the call is greater.

Chappy is actively pursuing his dream of owning a microbrew.  Right now that involves working on his recipes and experiments.  I must say, I am not a beer fan, but he does do a great job.  He has a knack for it. He is pricing equipment and getting an idea for how much it will cost.  He has even gone as far as working up a proposal for requesting funding from a bank--still needs work.  But that seems to be something in our future.

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