Blog Archive

Dec 13, 2010

Family Update

Ripe crabapple covered in icy glaze due to fre...Image via Wikipedia
Oh the weather outside is.... balmy and beautiful!  I do feel for our northern friends and family who are getting socked with winter weather right now.  I do like where we are though, LOL!

Chappy is in charge... at least for another couple of weeks.  Because of this, he has taken the on call schedule for Christmas to give the other chaplains the opportunity to visit family and friends for the Christmas holiday.  The new colonel will be here at the beginning of January.

Chappy is also the happiest little bug in a rug right now-- he has finally been able to brew again.  It is a lighter flavored IPA.  Not a fan myself of IPA's, but he does do a good job.

Ashleigh is done for this semester at UTEP.  She is eagerly awaiting the flight that will take her to WA to visit her boyfriend and his family.  I am glad for her too.  She will be applying for an internship that she was recommended for.  We are all excited for her.  If accepted she will be taking courses at Georgetown University and doing intern work a the library (I think it is).

John is pretty easy going about the "health" issues that have crept up.  He says God has him in His hands so he is not worried.  He goes for a sleep test later this month and is currently on his blood pressure meds.  He is hoping to start participating in Star Wars mini tournaments again.  But is also looking forward to his 16th birthday next month when he can start applying for work.

James is plugging along.  He received for his birthday a program for the computer that allows him to develop video games.  He has really gotten into it-- he will talk your ear off about it, LOL!

Nickolas has been truly enjoying his scouting experience and is chomping at the bit to get into the big boy stuff (boy scouts).  He sees James going on lots of camping and hiking trips and is so anxious for his turn.

My motorcycle is in the shop still.  The delay was not the fault of HD, it was Chappy's and mine.  But it is up there now and we will wait (patiently) for her to be fixed.

Chappy and I are excitedly planning our first Christmas party.  I have been chomping at the bit to entertain and Chappy finally agreed.  We have most of the Christmas decorations up and are planning what foods we are responsible for.  The beer Chappy started will be ready in time for the party-- woo-hoo!

latest update now complete! LOL!

Love Darc
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