Blog Archive

Aug 20, 2010

Foot fine, intestines on the road to recovery

James (back), Chappy, Nick (front), 2010
We took a trip to Cloudcroft, NM again this past weekend.  Actually, the younger boys and I followed Chappy up who had ridden on the Harley earlier in the day.  By the time we got there and ate dinner I wasn't feeling so good.  But the next morning everything seemed fine enough, despite that I didn't feel like breakfast.  That should have been the first clue.  Didn't eat much at lunch either.  We were looking forward to the hike down to the falls on Lincoln State Park.

We went down, not for those out of shape (including me, LOL), followed the creek for a ways, then scaled the path back up.  By the time we stopped at the Apple Barn in Mountain Park, NM, I was starting to feel unwell.  By the time we made it back to the Lodge, I really didn't feel well. I then spent the day and night sitting on the toilet.  Though from time to time I knelt before it too.

The next morning, Chappy asked if I wanted him to ride home (2hour drive) and return with Ash to help drive me home.  I readily accepted the offer, then immediately declined.  I would try to tough it out.  We had to stop 3 times on the way home.

James, Lincoln State Park, NM 2010
Since the return trip, I have been pretty much tethered to the bathroom and my bed, with virtually no energy.  I have been sleeping a lot too.  But today I awoke and feel well enough to devour all kinds of foods.  I even have ashleigh headed to the store for chocolate syrup so I can have a latte!  Woo-hoo!

John finished his work program at Ft Bliss.  We found out he can't find a job off post until he is 16.  So less than 6 months to go.  And his police explorer program may be shutting down due to police funding cutbacks.  He is truly bummed about that.

Ashleigh begins her college courses Mon/Tues of next week.  She needs the busywork, LOL!  Although she does love her job at The Bagel Shop--we do too.  When she closes she can bring home the day-olds that didn't sell.  Gotta love working kids living at home, LOL!

Nick, Lincoln State park, 2010
James and Nick and John will all start back to classes next week too.  Which means the Writing Round Robin will start up again in earnest, sans Ashleigh.

Chappy is on a motorcycle ride today. Tomorrow I will join him.  I have only been on the bike like twice since we moved here!  So I making sure I get to go this time, LOL!
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