Blog Archive

Jul 30, 2010


posted Jun 9, 2010 3:39 PM by Darc Balog
Wow!  I didn't realize I hadn't been online for a while.  I mean, I keep up with Facebook and with my business stuff, but I have forgotten there is a whole other side to my life--personal.

I guess the biggest news is that i am sitting at the airport right now on my way to WA to get Ashleigh. I am hoping to be on the road by Friday early AM.  We will take the route Chappy, the boys and I were supposed to take at the beginning of April-- through OR, UT, then CO.  We'll stop in town for a short visit to see family then we are on our way to TX.

Ashleigh has been accepted to the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP).  This is great because she is eligible for instate tuition thanks to Chappy's military status.  She will have to take the assessment test for UTEP but she should do well.  We pretty much have to jump right into the fray as soon as our feet hit TX soil.  

Pickle and James have been working in their scouting groups.  This week Pickle has been at day camp everyday.  James will do an over night week long camp at the end of June and into July.  They are excited and having fun.  THey love that we have a neighborhood that has sidewalks and other kids.

John has jumped with both feet into Police explorers and youth group.  He also was hired this week at the post bowling alley.  He works 15hours a week and is paid at the end of the program, 12 weeks from now.

Chappy is thrilled because he has found a great group of people to ride motorcycles with- -with wives too.

My business has taken off!  I have about two projects a month through summer-- which is about perfect for me.  I am loving the heat, as is Chappy.  John would like the air conditioning in the car to work-- I don't blame him,LOL!

See everyone in CO this weekend or early next week!

Love everyone,

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