Blog Archive

Jul 30, 2010

Back to school

posted Jan 4, 2010 6:26 PM by Darc Balog
Chappy was able to fix the mini-van all by himself, allowing Ashleigh the opportunity to drive herself to school.  Which is good.  She signed up for classes beginning at 7am and it can be a 45-60min ride over.  Having a free vehicle for her to use, allows for Chappy and me to continue our morning walks.  Unfortunately for us and Snaps Provalone, it was raining too hard to take our morning walk.  He does get to go to the vet in a few minutes though for his final parvo shot.  I think he must have gained 10lbs.  We'll find out.

School almost began without a hitch today.  James' school work on the computer seems to have reverted to an earlier version.  I am a little peeved.  Mostly because I contacted the company explained my plight (via email because calling wasn't connecting) and they obviously didn't even read my email as they covered the same ground already tried in the email. Ugh.  So tomorrow, I will be trying to get his things in order.

Ok off to the vet.

God bless!

Oscar (1991) Poster

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