Blog Archive

Jul 30, 2010

Change of plans, change of route

posted Apr 2, 2010 12:15 PM by Darc Balog

A passing comment by a local in Northern CA, had us check the weather.  A storm is coming down the Cascade mountains, so we will travel through most of CA and then cut across to TX through AZ.  This means we are not getting to CO for Easter.  But we will maybe look for a house, then go back up to CO to visit family before Chappy has to sign into the unit.

Also, for fun, we've begun two different Writing Round Robins.  The first is for the kids in our family: Ashleigh, John, James, and Nickolas; this one was created to help the kids cover a few areas of schoolwork.  It is called: The Balog Bundle's Blithe Betiary.  The second is for the family at large, and family of family.  It is found at W(cubed) R(squared) (the World-Wide Writing Round Robin).

Ok, off for now.

Love to you all,

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